Note: requirements marked in red are considered optional for the project development


  1. Parents
  2. Teachers
  3. Students

Stakeholders needs

  1. Parents
    1. Need a tool that motivates their children to study more.
    2. Need to know how much time their children actually spend studying.
    3. Need to be able to monitor their children's progress while studying.
    4. Need to ensure their children are not being exposed to inappropriate content.
  2. Teachers
    1. Need to make assessments more fun and engaging.
    2. Need fast and precise feedback about the student's performance.
    3. Need different types of graded activities.
    4. Need to develop custom content.
  3. Students
    1. Need a fun and captivating learning environment.
    2. Need a sense of accomplishment when studying.
    3. Need to feel rewarded.

Functional Requirements

Nonfunctional Requirements